

The U-Agent represents an active component of a system. It is often used to model the environment of a system or an agent. It can read from or write to a storage and exchange information with other agents using channels or shared storage. Only passive components may be connected to agents.


Control Points

A1, A2 )
  • manipulate the shape of the drawing
  • limited by the bounds of the drawing
  • the points cannot "overlap" each other, that is, the control point 1 will always be above and left of the control point 2.
  • when sizing the master the two points keep their relative position to the upper left corner (A1) and lower right corner (A2), that is, only the "valley" of the U will be resized
B )
  • moves the position of the explaining text
  • appears only when text has been entered
  • to enter text double click the shape or start typing while the shape is selected

See also

Human Agent