Title Block


The Title Block is used to add meta information about the diagram.


General Notes

  • When you drag a Title Block onto a diagram, it will create another page called "Background" and make it the background page for the current diagram page. The title block will be visible on both the diagram and the background page, but will be editable only on the background page. See Hints for detailed information.

  • You can change the text of all fields, but it is likely to modify the contents only of the fields which are prefilled with "<< ... >>".

  • The first mouse-click inside the Title Block activates a single field.

  • A second click (on the same spot as the first click) will activate the grid of the Title Block and the control points for resizing the widths of the fields.

  • You can not change the heigth of the Title Block and it's fields.

  • Because the title block has a minimum width, you can use this shape for page sizes from DIN A4 on upwards.

Control Points

A )
  • Moves the position of the vertical line. The same applies to the other control points shown in the example above.
    The width of the fields is constrained by the width of their text.
  • The picture can be positioned and resized freely inside the logo field.
    It is not possible to drag it outside the borders.

Context Menu

The context menu is different for the single fields. It enables you to automatically fill out the fields.

If you right-click anywhere on the background page, you will also get a context menu for the title box itself.


Background page

When you insert a Title Block onto a page, another page called "Background" will be created. The title block will be visible on both the diagram and the background page, but will be editable only on the background page.
  In Visio each normal page can be assigned a background page. The objects on the background page will be shown behind the objects on the diagram.

To choose or delete a background page you have to select the normal diagram page and then go to File -> Page Setup... -> Page Properties. You can choose if a page is a Foreground (normal) or a Background page. Background pages will show up in the drop down list Background, where you can choose the page which acts as background for the current page.

When you want to delete a background page, first choose "None" for each normal page using that page as background. Then you can delete the page without Visio blocking it.

See also

Simple Title Block
Frame & Title Block